Forgotten Memories

There is a time loneliness sets in, not from the people around me but from the ones inside me. Those are the moments I seek the pleasure of writing, and some of the pieces find their way into this collection.


Embraced by the fading spring as her lone companion
For sympathy she has a broken dandelion
Walking past the familiar paths in her usual stride
She silently nursed her discredited pride

She was tired of running after shooting stars
And admiring the beauty of colorful flowers
For they, like her, faded into oblivion
Leaving everything around like a failure

The ocher sky would not bleed for her
The drifting clouds would not cry
The moon was too far to hear her out
And the tall trees would not try

Was dependence a sin, she wonders 
As the world around her crumbles
To seek a shoulder seemed foolish
And the bleak signs of hope seemed to vanish