Forgotten Memories

There is a time loneliness sets in, not from the people around me but from the ones inside me. Those are the moments I seek the pleasure of writing, and some of the pieces find their way into this collection.

Love died a thousand deaths...

Love died a thousand deaths
On the day you betrayed me
For the moment that separated us
Froze for eternity

Your fading footsteps roared in my ears
And were echoes of the dreaded end
Your cold eyes bore into mine
Crushing the trust they held for you
And left the questions unanswered
What have I done not to deserve you?

Love died a thousand deaths
On the day you betrayed me
For the sky that witnessed my torn heart
Cried for days ceaselessly
My soul trapped in the burning quagmire
Of confusion and pain howled your name
My every feeling shattered by your treachery
My every hope dampened

For love died a thousand deaths
On the day you betrayed me
The ground that bore my trembling weight
Is still afraid to let lovers walk over it
As they hold hands and dream on for a future
That may never even exist

The crumpled heap of flowers
are still lying on the fork
Where we parted ways
Never to meet again

My heart is still beating
In the hope of your return
If not forever then just moment
With the same affection reflected in your
And that can be the last thing I have to see
In this ever fateful life….

[P.S. most dramatic post of the lot, this was concieved while I was reading an update of a highly melodramic TV serial... :D]


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